Just Go For It!


What if you just went for it? What if you could change the way life is for you and your children? What if I told you that you can? The shift is in what you speak, what you do, who you allow yourself to be around, what you read, who you follow, who’s teaching you, who’s influencing you and who you’re connected to. The life you want is right in front of you but you must make a move.

If you’re wondering how do I just go for it? Where do I start? The key in going after your goals is to start. You can not keep getting ready to ready and not making any moves. If you continue to wait for the perfect time you will be waiting forever! Do not allow fear to hold you back any longer. It’s the last month of 2015 look back and see what you’ve accomplished and if you haven’t accomplished your goals let this be the last year this happens. Don’t wait any longer and just go for it!

Once you actually start moving towards your goals be prepared for a lot of distractions to come along to frustrate you and get you to quit but don’t you dare quit! Keep going no matter what comes your way! This year I was able to accomplish a big goal of becoming a published author. My book Release The Queen In You (Available on Amazon.com) was a major accomplishment for me but all HELL attempted to break out and get me to quit and I didn’t and now I can say I did that!

The only way to complete your goals is to finish! A great start is good but a great finish is where you get the best reward! Every time I see my book I smile and joy comes over me because I pushed passed my fears and I did the work! Nothing can replace that feeling! Finish what you set out to do! Be bold! Be fearless and you will be unstoppable! Make 2016 your best year yet and get those goals that you’ve been sitting on accomplished! You have everything in you to become successful but you must do the work!

Are you going to sink or swim?


When you get a new job you go through training. Some jobs train you for a long time other jobs train you for a short period of time. After training you will be left to do your work alone to see what you’ve learned during the training. I have worked in Customer Service for over ten years and with the different employers I have worked for I’ve notice a trend after the training is over some people do very well others don’t do that great. Most places call this sink or swim. The people who do great are swimming and the people who aren’t doing so great are sinking.

A lot of us may have different situations going on in our lives that has arrived to attempt us to sink but because we have God we can not fail. We have everything within us to be successful and we have to get that deep within our spirit. It’s nothing too hard for God and if we are sinking we have to ask God for help. There are three reasons why people start sinking when trouble arises.

  1. We depend on our own strength.

If we will be honest when we are faced with challenges we tend to try to tackle the challenge without any help from God. When a challenge comes instead of running to God we run in the opposite direction. I’ll use this example. We all have bills and some of us have more bill than money and even in your bills are paid we can all use more money. So instead of trusting God we make the choice to work over time or go and get a second or third job that seems to be helping but in reality it’s not. Instead of asking God to help us use wisdom with our money we continue our bad habits and end up in more debt. God says to cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. (Psalms 55:22)

2. We refuse to ask for help.

When we depend on our strength and then refuse to ask for help we are only hurting ourselves. Prayer is the key to everything you need but when you don’t open your mouth why do you expect to receive anything? That saying a close mouth doesn’t get fed applies in every situation. You want God to help you but you never ask him to. Words have power when you speak them and believe them you can see great things happening! I’m a witness that prayer works and it’s how we communicate with God. Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve talked about it? Don’t depend on people to help you because most people can’t help themselves but get down on your knees and pray so God can help you. Are you heartbroken?  God can heal that! Are you facing issues in your home? God can fix that! Are your finances all over the place? God can help you and when you give you can expect a turn around. Don’t be afraid to ask God for the things that seem impossible in the natural because he can turn things around for you. Just ask him!  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)

3. We don’t move.

So we cast are cares to God then we ask and then that’s it. We wait. We wait and wait and wait and pray on it and wait and wait some more. YOU HAVE GOT TO MOVE! You have to put your faith in action! You asked God to help you with your finances well you better sow what you have! You asked God for a car but refuse to have faith and go to the dealership to get your car. You have to do something to show God your faith. He told the woman with the issue of blood YOUR faith has made you whole. She pressed on to touch him because she knew he could heal her and she received her healing. God is waiting on you to move! MOVE! And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” (Mark 25:34

As this year is quickly ending do not allow what’s happening around you to make you sink. You’ve come too far and you’ve accomplished too much for you to let life weigh you down. You have to fight back. You have to get into the word, pray and fast and ask God for wisdom and understanding because he will give it to you. You should be swimming with a consistent flow. You are born with the fight already in you and when you look back on all the things you’ve overcome so far nothing should stop you! It’s time to become unstoppable and only God can give you the boldness you need to do what he’s called you to do. Will it be easy? NO! Will God be with you? YES! Don’t end this year allowing what’s happening to continue to happen. You have to do something different to get something different and though it seems like it will be impossible remember that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!

God Bless

Love Natalie

All The Single Ladies!!!!

lI miss you

It’s officially “cuffing season” as the world calls it. That means relationships will be formed with no purpose, commitment and women all over the world will begin to settle just for the sake of not being alone. Ladies PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS BE YOU! So you’ve got a made up mind, you’re focused, you’re living bold for Christ and you even rededicated yourself to living a holy life. Then all of a sudden you get that, text, inbox or email from that ex. You see the picture above? When he hit’s you with that I miss you text you need to hit him back with I know and leave him alone.

Ladies do no get caught up! Why you go back to what took you months to get over and in some cases you still aren’t over it. God has someone for you but obviously not the guy that didn’t work. I know he is saying “he’s a changed man” and some of your friends might even be saying “girl, give him a chance” but it is worth going back to the heartache? Is it worth you compromising yourself again? Is it worth giving your all to someone not worthy of a second of your time? God didn’t bring him back into your life especially if he isn’t serving God himself! You can not change him and it’s not your job to try to change someone when you are changing yourself.

Ladies being single is NOT a curse, you will survive and the right man will come when you are ready and not when you say you are. This is the time where you should be sold out to God and your purpose. What are you here for? Discover your gifts and talents. Pursue your passions and thrive! If you’re a mother focus on raising your beautiful children but do not continue to allow your mind to be consumed with finding a man when he’s supposed to be the one finding you. It’s okay to be single! It’s nothing wrong with being single! You will survive being single! Don’t rush God or envy others when you see them with their mate because you have no idea what they could be doing to keep them.

God want’s to give you a man who has a  heart is after his and who will love you like kid in a candy store! It hasn’t worked out with anyone else because it wasn’t supposed to. Take this time to learn to love yourself and to work on being the best you that you can be. Ask yourself if God showed me who my husband is right now I’m I ready for him? This is the time for you to prepare yourself. Get your finances in order, learn how to take care of a home, cook, clean and be about God’s business. I can honestly say I’m enjoying this time with just me and Jesus and daily he is showing me things that I need to work on to become better so when that amazing man comes I will be ready. Don’t rush the process and learn to love you. Self love is the best love and it’s a process that we’ve all have to go through to see ourselves as God sees us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you deserve nothing but the best. Don’t go back to what God has removed you from. Stay strong and keep on keeping on.

Watch this video below and stay encouraged!

Just Do You!



Have you ever said one of these statements? God why is it that I’m so misunderstood? God why don’t they like me? Why do they talk about me? If you have I want you to NEVER say those things again. I know you maybe thinking but Natalie they just don’t get it but that’s the point they never will! You have to stop looking for validation from other people! Stop looking for others to tell you that it’s okay to be who you are! You are who God says you are and you have purpose so stop trying to get others to see how great you are and look in the mirror and tell yourself! You are uniquely you! Just continue to do you! Be who God created you to be and be it with boldness! You waste so much time trying to be “liked” that we miss out on what it is we should be doing. Your worth is not defined by a “like” on social media or how popular you are. When God died on the cross for you he did that because he though you were worth it and you are! So just do you! Don’t worry about who isn’t for you. God didn’t worry about those that didn’t like him because he was focused on his purpose to save people and set them free. So whatever God has told you to do just do it! God didn’t give you the spirit of fear so move forward and just do you! Below is this months video about how you should just do you! 


God Bless!

Set Apart


Being a believer does not mean you have to put yourself into a box and not live a fun life. We are called to be set apart not isolated. Sometimes you will feel a lone like no one get’s it but I do. Have you found yourself not being able to fit in anymore or feeling like you can’t speak up and say what’s on your mind in certain circles because no one else get’s it? TRUST ME I do!! A lot of times we end up shrinking back and being quite when we should stand boldly and speak up. People will always be offended by the truth which is the word of God especially if it calls them out on a behavior that they need to change. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel like you can’t speak up about your beliefs! People come to me for advice about a lot of different things and one thing I had to learn is not to give them my thoughts but point them to what the Bible says about the subject. In some cases they stop coming to me because they really didn’t want to hear the truth they wanted me to sit and join their pity party which is something I refuse to do.

It’s a reason that God made you uniquely you and don’t allow others to make you feel like you have to shut down because you are you and remember that God has to take them through the process just like the one you’ve been on.  People grow at different stages and it’s not our job to make them grow at the same pace that we do. God personally hand-picked you to be the difference so be different and enjoy it! Who want’s to follow the crowds? Who want’s to be like everyone else? Even the people God used throughout the Bible were different and set apart and God used them in a mighty way! Don’t get discouraged that you seem to be loosing people in your life that is God opening a new door for like-minded people to get to you. On this journey you need friends that will pray for you and with you. You need friends who won’t join the pity party but stand firm on God’s word and direct you to be who God’s called you to be.  Bold believers are set apart, different and we don’t fit in. Enjoy this time and know that you aren’t a lone because God is always by your side. 

God Bless 

Bold Living


In today’s world being a believer who is bold about their faith isn’t really popular but who cares! We are not of this world and it’s time we get BOLD about our faith and tell the world about our God! God is so amazing why not be BOLD when it comes to him? He’s given us too much for us to live quite lives and not serve him openly. Yes you may get laughed at and yes people might say you’re too “deep” but those are the people that you do not need in your life. Take a moment and think of just how good God has been to you and ask yourself have I been sharing to others about how good he’s been to me? If you haven’t it’s okay but make a commitment to live BOLD for Christ!