Just Do You!



Have you ever said one of these statements? God why is it that I’m so misunderstood? God why don’t they like me? Why do they talk about me? If you have I want you to NEVER say those things again. I know you maybe thinking but Natalie they just don’t get it but that’s the point they never will! You have to stop looking for validation from other people! Stop looking for others to tell you that it’s okay to be who you are! You are who God says you are and you have purpose so stop trying to get others to see how great you are and look in the mirror and tell yourself! You are uniquely you! Just continue to do you! Be who God created you to be and be it with boldness! You waste so much time trying to be “liked” that we miss out on what it is we should be doing. Your worth is not defined by a “like” on social media or how popular you are. When God died on the cross for you he did that because he though you were worth it and you are! So just do you! Don’t worry about who isn’t for you. God didn’t worry about those that didn’t like him because he was focused on his purpose to save people and set them free. So whatever God has told you to do just do it! God didn’t give you the spirit of fear so move forward and just do you! Below is this months video about how you should just do you! 


God Bless!

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